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Auburn Union

School District
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New Student Enrollment: 1st - 8th Grade

1st - 8th Grade Enrollment- New Students Only

Welcome to the Auburn Union School District. At our schools, we stand together to place each child at the heart of every decision. All students will be challenged, engaged, and obtain college and career readiness skills for a globally connected society.
We are excited that you have chosen to enroll your child in AUSD and look forward to working with you and your child to think analytically, solve problems, work cooperatively, explore creatively, and master common core standards.
Auburn Union School District is comprised of thre TK-8 schools:
Auburn Elementary
Skyridge Elementary
E.V. Cain School


To find out more about each of our schools, please visit the school websites which can be found at the top of our District website.

Below is information on how to register your child.


Enrollment information for 1st - 8th grade - New Students only

Enrollment information for 1st - 8th grade - New Students only

*Please note if your child is an existing AUSD student, you do not have to go through the enrollment process again.  Simply contact the AUSD school your student will attend, and they will transfer you student's enrollment.  An Intra-District transfer form will be required to attend a school other than your resident school.
If your child is a new student, please click on the tabs below for more information.

Why choose Auburn Union School District?

Why choose Auburn Union School District?
We have many outstanding programs and community partnerships that address the whole child. We focus on STEAM education (which includes Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics), athletics, clubs, community partnerships, national association affiliation, field trips, parent involvement and more! 

What school does my child attend?

Which school does my child attend?
To determine your elementary school of residence, please click on the AUSD Street Listing Guide, then find your address to view your school.  

What forms are required to enroll?

What forms are required to enroll?
Required Forms to be presented to your school of enrollment for verification:  
  • Immunization records:  Students whose immunizations are not up-to-date will not be allowed to attend school. 
  • Proof of Age document:  (1st time California enrollment only) Please provide one of the following for verification; certified birth certificate, baptism certificate, passport, adoption record, official hospital record of birth showing doctor's signature.  If  none of the above is obtainable, an affidavit of the parent, guardian or custodian of the student can be provided.  
  • One proof of residency document: A rental property contract, lease, or payment stub; mortgage statement; a utility service contract, statement or payment receipt (i.e. gas, electric, or water bill); property tax payment receipt; pay stub; voter registration; correspondence from a government agency; or affidavit of residency executed by the parent or legal guardian of the student.  (Not required for Alta Vista Community Charter School).
  • Physical Exam: If your student is enrolling in 1st grade, a physical is required prior to the start of school.  A physical is recommended if your student is starting TK or Kindergarten. 
If transferring from another school district, the office staff at your school of attendance will request your student’s files from the previous school.  

Intra-District Transfer Requests

Intra-District Transfer Requests
If you reside within the Auburn Union School District and wish to register your child in a school other than your school of residence, please complete an intra-district transfer request form & student behavior contract and deliver the form to the District Office. Parents submitting Intra-district enrollment requests will be notified as soon as space availability has been confirmed by the school site. This form must be completed every year.

Inter-District Transfer Requests

Inter-District Transfer Requests
If you are enrolling your child as an INTER-DISTRICT TRANSFER STUDENT (i.e. from Ackerman, Colfax, or Placer Hills school districts, or another out-of-district area), you will first need to go to your district of residence and complete an Inter-district Transfer Request form.  Families must apply every year to request Inter-district enrollment approval. New inter-district transfer requests may not be approved until school begins, pending space availability.  After submitting this form, please return to this enrollment page and follow instructions to enroll your student. Click here for the form
Please note that existing AUSD students do not need to re-enroll for the new school year.


For questions, please contact the school for which you are enrolling during office hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Auburn Elementary School: (530) 887-1958
Skyridge Elementary School: (530) 885-7019
E.V. Cain School: (530) 823-6106